


#Platform: WinXp + Python2.5.2
#File compare
#Author Jerry Chou
#Date Aug-9-2008
#Revison: 0.1
    This program compare the source directory file with the destination directory file
    and print the different file to screen.

    ----------------Module Variable Introduction-----------------
    [SrcDic], Source dicrectory, default is 'D:\Jeffrey\ebook'
    [DestDir], Destination directory, default is 'I:\ebook'
    [ExtList], which file extensions shoud be checked.
        default is ['.doc','.chm','.pdf','.zip','.7z']
import os

SrcDir = r'D:\Jeffrey\ebook'
DestDir = r'I:\ebook'
ExtList = ['.doc','.chm','.pdf','.zip','.7z']

def _getfilelist(dir):
    filelist = [os.path.join(dir,fname) for fname in os.listdir(dir)]
    basefilelist = [file for file in filelist if os.path.isfile(file) and str.lower(os.path.splitext(file)[1]) in ExtList]
    global _outlist
    _outlist = _outlist + basefilelist
    dirlist = [file for file in filelist if os.path.isdir(file)]
    for file_dir in dirlist:

def main():
    global _outlist
    srclist = _outlist
    _outlist = []
    #global _outlist
    destlist = _outlist
    _outlist = []
    #base file
    srcfilelist = [os.path.split(file)[1] for file in srclist]
    destfilelist = [os.path.split(file)[1] for file in destlist]
    difflist = [file for file in srcfilelist if file not in destfilelist] + \
               [file for file in destfilelist if file not in srcfilelist]
    #query dict
    dictSrc = dict(zip(srcfilelist,srclist))
    dictDest = dict(zip(destfilelist,destlist))
    for item in difflist:
        if dictSrc.has_key(item):
            print r'[Source]' + dictSrc[item]
        elif dictDest.has_key(item):
            print r'[Destination]' + dictDest[item]
            print '-'*20 + 'Key Not Found' + '_'*20

if __name__ == '__main__':


>>> import comparefile as cfile
>>> print cfile.__doc__
    This program compare the source directory file with the destination directory file
    and print the different file to screen.

    ----------------Module Variable Introduction-----------------
    [SrcDic], Source dicrectory, default is 'D:\Jeffrey\ebook'
    [DestDir], Destination directory, default is 'I:\ebook'
    [ExtList], which file extensions shoud be checked.
        default is ['.doc','.chm','.pdf','.zip','.7z']

>>> cfile.SrcDir = r'D:\Backup\ELM\ELM_Project0219'
>>> cfile.DestDir =r'D:\Backup\ELM\ELM_Project'
>>> cfile.ExtList = ['.config','.cs','.vb']
>>> cfile.main()


@ 2008-09-09 08:00


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