Tracking others folk in Git

Our logic master repo is Hacker/master,Jerry and Lily folks this repo.

Someday,Lily added a new feature. Jerry want to tracking Lily’s changes, What do Jerry’s do?

1, fetch the changes from Lily

git remote add Lily [Lily’s repo address]
git fetch Lily

2, add a tracking branch named “track-Lily” to track the changes from Lily

git branch track-Lily –track Lily/master

3,switch working branch to “track-Lily”

git branch –a    #list all of branches
git checkout track-Lily     #switch the branch to Lily’s

After Jerry review the Lily’s code, then Jerry want to back to himself work, so:

4, switch back to Jerry’s branch

git checkout master
git branch -a
@ 2012-05-25 08:00


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